
Import Email Via Roundcube

If you are switching from another provider or consolidating your email, you may want to import email messages into Roundcube.

If you have an export in either the .eml or .mbox format, you can import your email quite easily (see how to export your email from Gmail as an example).

First, login to Even if you use a different email client, you can still import via Roundcube and your email will be available in any IMAP email client that you use.

Create a folder to import the email into. You can use your Inbox, but using a different mailbox may keep things simpler.

Click on the folder you want to import your email into.

At the bottom left hand side of the screen, you should a gear icon with an option called "Import messages"

It will prompt you to locate the file with email in it from your computer. Select that file and click Open and then click Upload.

Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on Aug 1, 2016, 8:13:36 PM
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