Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of mfpl/2008_palm_card_text

Feb 28, 2008, 9:33:04 PM (16 years ago)
Daniel Kahn Gillmor



  • mfpl/2008_palm_card_text

    v9 v10  
    66== Freedom of Access ==
    8 That's a term used a lot these days when people talk about the Internet and it means very different things to different people. We believe that Freedom of Access is at the center of a progressive Internet agenda. Like everything else about the Internet, this discussion is developing every day all over the Internet. Below are some ideas about how to frame the conversation.
     8Discussions about the nature of the Internet often come back to the idea of Freedom of Access, though it means different things to different people.  At May First/People Link, we believe that Freedom of Access is at the center of a progressive Internet agenda. Like everything else about the Internet, this discussion is developing every day online. This card covers some parts of the ideas that we think are important.  What do you think?
    1010= First Inside Panel =
    1212== Data ==
    14 You have a right to complete access to your data: to produce it, share it, export and import it, control it and decide what's going to be done with it. Do you currently have this level of control over your Internet data?
     14You have a right to complete access to your data, and the way it is handled on the Internet.  You should be able to decide how and when to produce data, to share it, to export and import it, to control your data and to decide what's going to be done with it. Do you currently have this level of control over the information you need in your work online?
    1616= Second Panel =
    18 == Programs ==
     18== Software ==
    20 You have a right to complete access to use, move, change, manipulate and share all programs on the Internet and get assistance in doing any of those things. Would you be able to take your database or web mail program or web site program with you to another provider if you wanted to?
     20You have a right to complete control over the tools you use.  You should be able to use, move, change, manipulate and share the programs you use on the Internet and get assistance when you do.  Would you be able to take your database, web mail program or web site framework with you to another provider if you wanted to?
    2222= Third Panel =
    2424== Democracy ==
    26 You have a right to complete transparency in and available explanations of all processes that dictate and enable your work on the Internet and the right to participate in decisions about those processes. Do you know how any why decisions are made regarding the programs and services you use online?
     26You have a right to complete transparency and accountability in your relationships with your partners on the Internet.  This includes the right to explanations of all processes that shape your work, and the right to participate in decisions about those processes. Do you know how and why decisions are made regarding the programs and services you use online?
    2828= Fourth Panel =