
Version 7 (modified by Jamie McClelland, 12 years ago) ( diff )


Puppet layout and deployment


Traditionally, puppet uses a puppet master, which is a dedicated server that has a copy of the puppet configuration files. Each node runs a puppet process as root that contacts the master, receives the catalog specific to the server they are running, and then executes the catalog.

MF/PL does not use a puppet master. Instead of having a single server with the puppet configuration files, we have distributed the configuration files to every server (aka node) on our network via git, placing the files in /etc/puppet.

Each node runs a cron job that does a git remote update against git:// It checks for the most recent git tag that is signed by a member of the MFPL support team, merges that tag, and then runs puppet.

Alternatively, MFPL admins can push changes into a puppet bare repo on each node, which will run a post-update hook that pulls the changes into /etc/puppet and runs puppet.


Below is the layout of our git repository.

  • helper - holds code for running operations on our servers from the command line using the freepuppet command. For a list of options run:
    helper/freepuppet-helper -l
     * manifests: this is where information about each MFPL server is stored, plus some general information specific to our servers
      * site.pp: this is the file that boostraps all other files
      * globals.pp: global variables specific to May First/People Link, used throughout
      * modules.pp: one line to import every puppet module that we use. We only use one module: mayfirst
      * nodes: this directory contains the files for each server in our network
       * production: one file for every production server in our network
       * dev:  one file for every test/dev server 
     * modules: modules are abstracted collections of manifests, templates and files. All of our puppet code is in the mayfirst module.
    = Puppet Resources =
    Puppet is [ fully documented].
    However, we only use a small subset of puppet features. Below is a very brief overview.
    == files ==
    A file resources defines a file that should be created on the server:
    file { "/etc/aliases":
    	ensure => present,
    	content => template("mayfirst/postfix/aliases.erb"),
    This file resource ensures that a file located at /etc/aliases on the target server will be created. The content of the file will be based on the template located in the puppet repository in modules/mayfirst/postfix/aliases.erb (this template contains variables that will be dynamically filled in).
    == execs ==
    An exec resources defines a command that will be run everytime puppet is run:
    exec { "gpg-ssh-genkey-$user":
    		command => "ssh-keygen  -t rsa -b '$length' -f '$homedir/.ssh/id_rsa' -N ''",
    		environment => "HOME=$homedir",
    		require =>  [ Package["gnupg"], Package["openssh-client"] ],
    		user => $user,
    		unless => "test -f '$homedir/.ssh/id_rsa'"
    The unless clause provides a test to see if the command should be run.
    == defines ==
    A define statement is like a function. It allows you to define a set of things to happen every time it is called. 
    Here's how a define is, well, defined:
    define m_gpg::publish_user_key ( $keyserver = '' ){
      $user = $title
      $keyserver_arg = $keyserver ? {
        '' => '',
        default => "--keyserver $keyserver"
      exec { "gpg-send-key-$user":
        command => "gpg $keyserver_arg --send-key $(gpg --list-secret-key --with-colons | grep ^sec | cut -d: -f5)", 
        require => [ Package["gnupg"], Exec["gpg-pem2openpgp-$user" ] ],
        user => $user,
    And here's how it is called:
    m_gpg::publish_user_key { "root": keyserver => $mfpl_keyserver }
    You can repeatedly call the same define as many times as you want.
    == classes ==
    A class is a bigger collection of resources that can only be called once per node.
    Here's an example of a simple class:
    class m_resolv ( $caching_dns_ips = "", $location ) {
      $ips = $caching_dns_ips ? {
        "" => $location ? {
          telehouse => [ "", "" ],
          xo => [ "", "" ],
          sunsetpark => [ "", "" ],
          default => [ "", "" ]
        default => $caching_dns_ips
      file { "/etc/resolv.conf":
        ensure => present,
        content => template("mayfirst/resolv/resolv.conf.erb")
    And here is the class being called:
    class { "m_resolv":
        caching_dns_ips => [ "", "" ],
        location => "telehouse" 
    == nodes ==
    The node is the basic building block for a server. Each individual server has a corresponding node. The node invokes everything, pulling it all together:
    node ""  {
      $namesake = ""
      $purpose = "Offsite backup server for both MFPL rack machines and members who backup their office server; web interface to backup files"
      class { "m_sshd::default": }
      class { "m_minimal":
        location => "sunsetpark",
        backup_includes => [ "/var/log", "/etc", "/root", "/usr/local"  ],
        backup_rsync_target => "",
        caching_dns_ips => [ "", "" ]
      class { "m_esmtp": }
      m_monkeysphere::publish_server_keys { ali: }
      m_gpg::publish_user_key { "root": keyserver => $mfpl_keyserver }
      class { "m_backupninja::server": }
    $namesake and $purpose are not used by puppet - they are there for human readability.
    = Variable Scoping =
    Global variables are defined in manifests/globals.pp and have an mfpl_ prefix. They are accessible anywhere in the code, provided you use the double colon syntax: $::, e.g. $::mfpl_admin_user_ids.
    All other variables should be properly scoped.
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