Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of web_validation

Dec 13, 2010, 11:00:03 PM (13 years ago)
Daniel Kahn Gillmor



  • web_validation

    v3 v4  
    1010explicitly specify the standard they're targeting (e.g. it's better to say "please use xhtml
    11111.0 strict", instead of asking the browser to guess, in which case it
    12 might choose something else, like "HTML 4.01 transitional").  This is done with a "[WikiPedia:DOCTYPE]"
     12might choose something else, like "HTML 4.01 transitional").  This is done with a "[WikiPedia:DOCTYPE DOCTYPE]"
    1313header at the start of each page -- if you're using a dynamic page
    1414generation tool, there should be a way to ask it to emit a DOCTYPE
    5252An example of this is Drupal's [ Input Formats provided by the "filter" module].
    54 Also note that sometimes you might paste data from one system (e.g. Microsoft Word) into another system (e.g. an input box on a Drupal-based web site), and the two systems might be using different character sets.  Since common Latin characters (a, b, c, etc) are handled identically in most character sets, you'll usually notice the problem first in things like unusual punctuation (e.g. [WikiPedia:"smart quotes"], em dashes, the interrobang (‽), etc), unusual character, new symbols, or characters with unusual diacritics (e.g. ß, €, ẍ, , etc).  If characters like these are showing up in some garbled state, you should consider the choice of character set as a possible culprit.
     54Also note that sometimes you might paste data from one system (e.g. Microsoft Word) into another system (e.g. an input box on a Drupal-based web site), and the two systems might be using different character sets.  Since common Latin characters (a, b, c, etc) are handled identically in most character sets, you'll usually notice the problem first in things like unusual punctuation (e.g. [WikiPedia:"smart quotes" smart quotes], em dashes, the interrobang (‽), etc), unusual characters, new symbols, or characters with unusual diacritics (e.g. ß, €, ẍ, , etc).  If characters like these are showing up in some garbled state, you should consider the choice of character set as a possible culprit.
    5656== Conclusion ==