Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of web-app-security

Sep 28, 2017, 5:29:57 PM (7 years ago)
Jamie McClelland



  • web-app-security

    v3 v4  
    33== Monitoring of compromised sites ==
    5 Nagios runs of `wp core integrity-check`
     5[In process, see #13159]
     7The monitor script mf-monitor-webapps executes the script mf-check-webapps and triggers a Nagios warning if it finds any web app sites that fail the test.
     9== Search server for compromised sites ==
     11The script `mf-check-webapps` searches the given server for any web app that has been compromised.
     13It finds web apps by searching for the files `/home/members/*/sites/*/.red/web-app-security/{drupal,wordpress}-core`.
     15If it finds either file, it runs a check to see if the specified web app has been compromised.
     17In normal mode, it outputs each site that has checked and the status of the site. In quiet mode, this output is supressed.
     19Once the run is complete, it either:
     21 * Returns no output and the exit code 0 to indicate that no sites show signs of compromise
     22 * One line with a comma separate list of site names that are compromised and the exit code 1 to indicate a compromise
     23 * Error output and the exit code 255 to indicate an error prevented the script from running properly.
    725== Control Panel Installation ==
    2644[Note: when fully implemented, users can enable via the control panel.]
    28 An admin can enable this protection by creating a directory in a sites hidden .red directory (e.g. /home/members/mayfirst/sites/ web-app-auto-upgrade and place one or more files in it.
     46An admin can enable this protection by creating a directory in a sites hidden .red directory (e.g. /home/members/mayfirst/sites/ web-app-security and place one or more files in it.
    3048To indicate that you want to have your web application automatically upgraded, please create a file or files with the following names to indicate what you want upgraded.