Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of projects/kindlereport2015

Oct 8, 2015, 6:54:22 PM (9 years ago)



  • projects/kindlereport2015

    v1 v1  
     1Highlights of the 2014-2015 period:
     3 * Our representative, Alfredo Lopez, presented at a left-wing sociologists conference at State University of New York in Stony Brook.
     5 * We participated in panels at a conference of the U.S. Human Rights Network in San Francisco, Ca.
     7 * We attended prep meetings for the Allied Media Conference and led a workgroup to develop it -- January, 2015.
     9 * We assumed leadership of a "cohort" (issue-based working group) for MAGNete and continue leading it.
     11 * We organized and led a large Network Gathering of members of the Media Action Grassroots Network at the Allied Media Conference in June 2015.
     13 * Attended meetings of the Board of the Center for Media Justice, of which we're a member.
     15 * We organized and led two major workshops (over 60 people each) at the Left Forum in May, 2015. These included participants from all over the world brought in remotely.
     17 * We attended weekly meetings to plan the U.S. Social Forum 2015
     19 * Our technologists built much of the communications capability of the U.S. Social Forum and May First hosted most of it, including its various websites and email lists.
     21 * In collaboration with over 50 Mexican organizations, we organized a special, unprecedented event in Tijuana, Mexico as part of the United States Social Forum. The events were connected by remote conferencing software.
     23 * Helped arrange and attended the North American members meeting of the Association for Progressive Communications (held in Philadelphia).
     25 * Our representatives appeared in 14 television interviews over Al Jazeera, Russia Today and Free Speech TV and we did 8 radio interviews on various alternative radio stations.
     27 * Successfully fought off a three-week denial of service attack, launched against us by opponents of reproductive rights movements, and managed to upgrade our capabilities and server protections with money we raised from our members specifically for that purpose.
     29 * Adapted jitis, the remote conferencing program, and began popularizing among all the coalitions we work in.