
Version 9 (modified by Jamie McClelland, 16 years ago) ( diff )


MFPL/PTP CRM Review project Report

The demos


Ease of installation is not a criteria we are evaluating. However, in the interests of documentation, I'm going to record my experiences here.

Sugar CRM

I'm downloading the Community Edition (without the stack, since I already have PHP, MySQL, and Apache installed). I'm downloading version 5.0.0.f.

For starters, based on the documentation, I had to increase the amount of memory allocated to php to 40 M (on Debian systems the default is 16M). MFPL allows members to set their own memory limit. I'm not sure if other providers allow that or what limitations we should expect out in the wild.

I then unzipped the download into my web directory and pointed my browser to the web site. I got a nicely formatted install screen. After passing the requirements test, I chose typical install over custom install.

I filled in my database info and chose not to pre-populate the database with demo data. A few screens later, including one asking me to register with SugarCRM (which I skipped), I was ready to go.

All in all - a very easy installation.


My first decision is whether I want the binary or source. Hm. I'm going with source because I'd rather not execute a binary that I know nothing about. The version I'm using is 5.0.4.

vtiger makes the sugarcrm requirement of 40M seem downright negligible. The biggy is a requirement of php5 - many commercial hosting provider are still running PHP4. In addition, vtiger wants:

Directives that are enabled by default in debian already - no change needed:

safe_mode = Off
display_errors = On
file_uploads = On
register_globals = Off
log_errors = Off
short_open_tag= On 

Directives that need to be changed:

max_execution_time = 600 (default on debian: 30)
memory_limit  = 64M  (default on debian: 16M)

Directives that need to be changed that I don't want to change

error_reporting=E_WARNING& ~E_NOTICE (default on debian: E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE)
output_buffering = On (default on debian: Off)

They want less errors to be reported. Keeping the debian default should be fine.

As for output buffering, the comments in the php.ini file says:

; Output buffering allows you to send header lines (including cookies) even
; after you send body content, at the price of slowing PHP's output layer a
; bit.  You can enable output buffering during runtime by calling the output
; buffering functions.  You can also enable output buffering for all files by
; setting this directive to On.  If you wish to limit the size of the buffer
; to a certain size - you can use a maximum number of bytes instead of 'On', as
; a value for this directive (e.g., output_buffering=4096).

I'm going to try to run vtiger with this turned off and see if it works anyway.

vtiger wants me to register. They say it's required, but I left it blank and got no errors.

Predictable installation screens... although they wanted me to enter my currently name, symbol and code. Not sure what code means (and it was a text field). I entered "0.00".

I also chose not to install the demo data.

After hitting the final install button, the screen said: "The installation will take at least 4 minutes." I guess that's why the execution time has to be increased. Why does it take 4 minutes? Ah... looking through the docs I found:

From a search of issues in 5.0.4 this appears to be a deal breaker.  If you can’t set max_execution_time = 600 then you probably will not be able to complete the building of all 317 tables.  Your install will finish without apparent error but you will only have a fraction of the necessary tables.

317 tables. Sheesh. sugarcrm only has 97. I can't wait to explain to someone how to export their contacts from this database.


I started with a Drupal installation. I know there's a standalone version of CiviCRM - however, I chose the Drupal path because I believe it will give us more flexibility to extend CiviCRM.

CiviCRM is firmly in the PHP version 5 camp, no php4 allowed here. In addition, it requires MySQL version 5.

I downloaded version 2.0.4 from sourceforge and unpacked it into sites/all/modules and then I pointed my browser to sites/all/modules/civicrm/install/. Most Drupal module simply need you to check a box on the modules page. Given what CiviCRM does and the behavior or the other programs during installation, this extra step seems more than reasonable.

CiviCRM only wants me to change the PHP memory directive (it wants 64M). Installation was very straight forward.

How they stackup to our Features

I'm going to discuss each CRM separately, breaking down the features based on category. It won't provide a direct head-to-head comparison of features between CRMs, however, I think it will provide a more realistic assessment of each program.

This is my first pass - what can I figure out without reading any documentation or digging very deeply. I'll do a re-write after I done a first pass on each package.

Sugar CRM

Basic Member Info

On the positive side - they have a nice email tracking - you can add as many email addresses as you want. Only one can be primary, each address can be checked as opt-out or invalid. Only two postal addresses are allowed (one is primary). Contacts can be assigned to a login name.

On the negative side, on first run through, I can't find anyway to indicate that an address or phone number is bad.

Individual vs. Group/Household identity

Interactions and Transactions

General Reporting/Exporting


Membership metrics



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