Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of mfpl/internet_in_prisons

Sep 24, 2008, 3:40:06 PM (16 years ago)
Jamie McClelland



  • mfpl/internet_in_prisons

    v2 v3  
    77At May First/People Link, we believe that the Internet is the most powerful communications network developed by humanity. We view it as a social movement, comprised of over a billion people, battering the social and national enclosures that limit communication among us at a historic movement when communication among the world's people is more important than ever.
    9 The change Internet communication has brought to all our lives is a right we all have because that's why we created it. Our collaboration, mutual support and enthusiastic spreading of Internet technology has made possible a sharing of information that has moved our world forward while repeatedly mitigating the impact of the vicious repression and oppression the ruling class visits upon us.
     9The change Internet communication has brought to our lives is a right we all have. Our collaboration, mutual support and enthusiastic spreading of Internet technology has made possible a sharing of information that has moved our world forward while repeatedly mitigating the impact of the vicious repression and oppression the ruling class visits upon us.
    1111Prisoners have the right to that communication and no where is the potential power of the Internet more obvious than behind the walls of these barbaric institutions whose numbers are growing in this society.