Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of control-panel/membership-organizing

Nov 9, 2012, 2:17:33 PM (11 years ago)
Jamie McClelland



  • control-panel/membership-organizing

    v1 v1  
     1= Membership Organizing =
     3== Tags ==
     5The control panel has a tagging functionality. Here are some of the properties of tags:
     7 * Tags can only be added, and are only visible, to individuals with site-wide admin access.
     8 * Tags are space delimited, so place do not try to use tags with spaces in them.
     9 * Tags can be added to a member on all pages showing a single member's resources by filling in the box next to the button that says "Add tag".
     10 * Tags are visible on all pages showng a single member's resource and appear as hyper links. If you click on a tag, you will see a list of all members with the same tag. This search is the equivalent of Clicking Top => Search and entering in the search box: tag:SEARCH-STRING
     11 * When searching for a tag, partial matches are returned. You can use this feature to your advantage. For example, if you use the tags mm-2012-attend-yes, mm2012-attend-no, mm2012-attend-virtual, you can find all the members tagged for the membership meeting with the search string: mm-2012 (this will also show tags mumm-2012 or mm-2012-13 so try to choose unambiguous tags).
     13This feature is flexible. Please document uses on this page so we can all be consistent in our use of tags
     15 * Outreach - When organizing an event that we want members to attend, please use the following tags:
     16  * indicate the person responsible for contacting the member using the format EVENT-DATE-outreach-PERSONRESPONSIBLE (e.g. mm-2012-outreach-jamie for the 2012 membership meeting)
     17  * indicate the response using the format EVENT-DATE-attend-yes|no|maybe|virtual (e.g. mm-2012-attend-yes)
     18 * Needs contact - Sometimes we see indications that a member may be considering leaving the organization (for example if their DNS is pointing elsewhere or the ask a question on support suggesting they are considering leaving. Support team members should tag these memberships with: needs-contact, add a note explaining why (see notes below), and send an email to {{{}}} to alert the staff. When a staff person has contacted the member, they can delete the tag and write a follow up note.
     20== Notes ==
     22Like tags, notes are only visible and can only be added or edited by users with site-wide admin privileges. Notes appear as a tab in the member area (where invoices, ocntacts, etc are located). Notes are designed to keep track of any special exceptions or contact history with members. For example, if a member has negotiated a special membership dues rate or has an explanation for a complex payment plan.