= How can I get access to the logs for my web site? = The May First/People Link web servers store logs that show who accessed each web site and when. You can see the logs for any web site from your organization by looking in the filesystem on your primary server. For example, if the member organization named `foo` has a web site named `example.org`, the logs for that web site can be found at: {{{ /home/members/foo/sites/example.org/logs/ }}} In that directory, the file named `web.log` is the most recent log, `web.log.1` is from the previous full week, and `web.log.2.gz`, `web.log.3.gz`, etc. are compressed logs from previous weeks. == Other possibilities == Note that as of 2008, there was [https://support.mayfirst.org/ticket/302 some discussion about alternate ways to set up logs]. If you're interested in seeing changes in the way web server logging works at MF/PL, please comment on #302, or [/newticket open a new one]. Your feedback is always welcome!