== Script for updating server ssls == {{{ #!/bin/bash # This script copies a PositiveSSL zip file to the specified server # and installs it. # # Usage ./update-ssl-certificate.sh SERVER_NAME /PATH/TO/CERTIFICATE.ZIP # # Example ./update-ssl-certificate.sh malcolm /home/ross/malcolm_mayfirst_org.zip if [[ $# -lt 2 ]] ; then echo 'Please supply server name and path to zip file.' exit 1 fi # if anything goes wrong, stop set -e echo "Creating /etc/ssl/temp directory..." ssh -t root@$1.mayfirst.org "mkdir -p /etc/ssl/temp && rm -rf /etc/ssl/temp/*" echo "Copying zip file $2" scp $2 root@$1.mayfirst.org:/etc/ssl/temp echo "Unzipping zip file..." ssh -t root@$1.mayfirst.org "cd /etc/ssl/temp/ && unzip $1_mayfirst_org.zip -d /etc/ssl/temp" echo "Building $1.mayfirst.org.crt.new..." ssh -t root@$1.mayfirst.org "cat /etc/ssl/temp/COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt >> /etc/ssl/temp/$1_mayfirst_org.crt && cat /etc/ssl/temp/COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt >> /etc/ssl/temp/$1_mayfirst_org.crt && mv /etc/ssl/temp/$1_mayfirst_org.crt /etc/ssl/$1.mayfirst.org.crt.new" echo "Creating $1.mayfirst.org.pem.new" ssh -t root@$1.mayfirst.org "cd /etc/ssl/private && umask 177; cat $1.mayfirst.org.safe.key >> $1.mayfirst.org.pem.new && cat ../$1.mayfirst.org.crt.new >> $1.mayfirst.org.pem.new; umask 133" # Use this line for brand new servers # ssh -t root@$1.mayfirst.org "cd /etc/ssl/private && umask 177; cat $1.mayfirst.org.key.uncertified >> $1.mayfirst.org.pem.new && cat ../$1.mayfirst.org.crt.new >> $1.mayfirst.org.pem.new; umask 133" echo "Moving new files into place..." # ssh -t root@$1.mayfirst.org "mv /etc/ssl/$1.mayfirst.org.crt{,.old} && mv /etc/ssl/$1.mayfirst.org.crt{.new,} && mv /etc/ssl/private/$1.mayfirst.org.pem{,.old} && mv /etc/ssl/private/$1.mayfirst.org.pem{.new,} && [[ -a /etc/ssl/private/$1.mayfirst.org.key ]] && mv /etc/ssl/private/$1.mayfirst.org.key{,.old} || echo 'No old key to move' && mv /etc/ssl/private/$1.mayfirst.org.safe.key /etc/ssl/private/$1.mayfirst.org.key && /usr/local/sbin/freepuppet-run" # a variation on the line above, which attempts to cope with missing files ssh -t root@$1.mayfirst.org "(test ! -f /etc/ssl/$1.mayfirst.org.crt || \ mv -v /etc/ssl/$1.mayfirst.org.crt{,.old}) && \ mv -v /etc/ssl/$1.mayfirst.org.crt{.new,} && \ (test ! -f /etc/ssl/private/$1.mayfirst.org.pem || \ mv -v /etc/ssl/private/$1.mayfirst.org.pem{,.old}) && \ mv -v /etc/ssl/private/$1.mayfirst.org.pem{.new,} && \ (test ! -f /etc/ssl/private/$1.mayfirst.org.key || \ mv -v /etc/ssl/private/$1.mayfirst.org.key{,.old}) && \ mv -v /etc/ssl/private/$1.mayfirst.org.safe.key \ /etc/ssl/private/$1.mayfirst.org.key && \ /usr/local/sbin/freepuppet-run" # Use this line for brand new servers # ssh -t root@$1.mayfirst.org "mv /etc/ssl/$1.mayfirst.org.crt{,.old} && mv /etc/ssl/$1.mayfirst.org.crt{.new,} && mv /etc/ssl/private/$1.mayfirst.org.pem{,.old} && mv /etc/ssl/private/$1.mayfirst.org.pem{.new,} && /usr/local/sbin/freepuppet-run" echo "Restarting services..." ssh -t root@$1.mayfirst.org "service apache2 restart && service courier-imap-ssl restart && service courier-pop-ssl restart && service postfix restart" echo "Verifying $1.mayfirst.org.pem file..." a=$(echo "LOGOUT" | gnutls-cli -V --port imaps $1.mayfirst.org | grep "Handshake was completed") echo "$a"; if [ "$a" = "- Handshake was completed" ]; then echo "Cleaning up.." echo "Removing /etc/ssl/temp directory and old files..." ssh -t root@$1.mayfirst.org "rm -rf /etc/ssl/temp/ && rm -f /etc/ssl/*.old && rm -f /etc/ssl/private/*.old" else printf "**** Something has gone wrong, please check the server. ****\n\n" printf "Try running \n\n" printf "gnutls-cli -V --port imaps $1.mayfirst.org\n\n" printf "for additional information.\n" fi }}}