= Step for converting red to use mysqli = This page documents how to convert red to use mysqli instead of mysql. == Function changes == Since mysqli is not a drop in replacement for mysql, we need to determine the necessary function changes required by mysqli. Currently red uses 10 mysql functions, below is a description of each one and the comparable function in mysqli. === mysql_connect === mysql_connect takes only the parameters (host, user, password) and returns the connection resource. ==== mysqli_connect ==== For this function requires a few more parameters. Our currently functional implementation looks like this: {{{ $flags = 0; $flags = MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL; $sql = mysqli_init(); if (!($sql->options(MYSQLI_READ_DEFAULT_FILE, '/root/horror/my.cnf'))) printf("failed to set the default file (MYSQLI_READ_DEFAULT_FILE: %d)\n", MYSQLI_READ_DEFAULT_FILE); if (!($sql->options(MYSQLI_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, 'red'))) printf("failed to set the group for the default file (MYSQLI_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP: %d)\n", MYSQLI_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP); if (!($sql->real_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass, $db_name))) { printf("failed to really connect\n"); } }}} ===== Notable changes ===== * $flags = MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL; * This flag ensures the client is connection via ssl. * $sql->options(MYSQLI_READ_DEFAULT_FILE, '/root/horror/my.cnf') * Here we add a new set of options in a custom my.cnf file, probably stored in /user/local/etc/red/my.cnf. The configured options are: {{{ [red] ssl=true ssl-ca=/etc/mysql/red-cert.pem ssl-verify-server-cert=true }}} * where `red-cert.pem` is the mysql ca certificate, which will need to be stored on all MOSHes and on hay. * $sql->options(MYSQLI_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, 'red') * This simply says, "Read from the my.cnf group `red`. * $sql->real_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass, $db_name) * This makes the mysql connection. === mysql_data_seek === This function just moves the internal result pointer. {{{ mysql_data_seek ( resource $result , int $row_number ) }}} ==== mysqli_data_seek ==== The mysqli procedural version should be a drop in replacement for our implementation of the function. {{{ mysqli_data_seek ( mysqli_result $result , int $offset ) }}} === mysql_error === {{{ mysql_error ([ resource $link_identifier = NULL ] ) }}} ==== mysqli_error ==== The mysqi procedural version should be a drop in replacement. {{{ mysqli_error ( mysqli $link ) }}} === mysql_fetch_array === {{{ mysql_fetch_array ( resource $result [, int $result_type = MYSQL_BOTH ] ) }}} ==== mysqli_fetch_array ==== This appears to be a drop in replacement. {{{ mysqli_fetch_array ( mysqli_result $result [, int $resulttype = MYSQLI_BOTH ] ) }}} === mysql_fetch_assoc === {{{ mysql_fetch_assoc ( resource $result ) }}} ==== mysqli_fetch_assoc ==== This appears to be a drop in replacement. {{{ mysqli_fetch_assoc ( mysqli_result $result ) }}} === mysql_fetch_row === {{{ mysql_fetch_row ( resource $result ) }}} ==== mysqli_fetch_row ==== This appears to be a drop in replacement. {{{ mysqli_fetch_row ( mysqli_result $result ) }}} === mysql_insert_id === {{{ mysql_insert_id ([ resource $link_identifier = NULL ] ) }}} ==== mysqli_insert_id ==== This function requires that the mysql $link be supplied. {{{ mysqli_insert_id ( mysqli $link ) }}} It will need to be modified in at least one location `/ui/sbin/transfer-red-items-to-new-host:171` === mysql_num_rows === {{{ mysql_num_rows ( resource $result ) }}} ==== mysqli_num_rows ==== Should be drop in replacement. {{{ mysqli_num_rows ( mysqli_result $result ) }}} === mysql_query === This function can and in some places in red '''does''' use the construction $query = mysql_query($sql). {{{ mysql_query ( string $query [, resource $link_identifier = NULL ] ) }}} ==== mysqli_query ==== It appears that using the procedural style of this function we will need to ensure that the database connection is supplied to the function. In addition in '''every''' case we will need to flip the resource identifier and the query string. {{{ mysqli_query ( mysqli $link , string $query [, int $resultmode = MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT ] ) }}} === mysql_select_db === {{{ mysql_select_db ( string $database_name [, resource $link_identifier = NULL ] ) }}} ==== mysqli_select_db ==== We will need to change the construct of this function in '''every''' case as it flips the resource identifier and database placement in the parameters. {{{ mysqli_select_db ( mysqli $link , string $dbname ) }}} There are a number of places where we reference the resource identifier in mysql_select_db, and other places where we simply use the database name. In the former case, we need to swap the placement of database string and resource, and in the latter case, we need to add the resource identifier ($link). == These functions occur in 22 different files == Struck through filenames have been modified with mysqli fixes. * ~~common/share/src/class.red_ado.inc.php~~ * ~~common/share/src/class.red_db.inc.php~~ * ~~common/share/src/red.utils.inc.php~~ * docs/sql/2009-07-08.php * ~~node/sbin/find-inactive~~ * ~~node/sbin/red-dump-db-list~~ * ~~node/sbin/red-node-update~~ * node/sbin/red-set-mysql-connection-limits * node/share/src/modules/class.red_item_mysql_db_node_mysql.inc.php * node/share/src/modules/class.red_item_mysql_user_node_mysql.inc.php * ui/sbin/create-reverse-ip * ui/sbin/import-addresses * ui/sbin/import-dns * ui/sbin/import-users-and-email-addresses * ui/sbin/mv-server-name-and-alias * ui/sbin/populate-member-end-date * ui/sbin/print-invoice * ui/sbin/transfer-red-items-to-new-host * ui/share/src/class.red_api.inc.php * ui/share/src/functions.inc.php * ui/www/extras/change_password/index.php * ui/www/extras/reset_password/index.php == Additional Steps == * We will need to add a new variable in `red_node.conf` for the additional cert parameters `$mysql_cnf = '/usr/local/etc/red/my.cnf'`