[[PageOutline]] = Upgrade MOSHES from Squeeze to Wheezy = This wiki page documents the process for upgrading our MOSH servers from squeeze to wheezy and the communications we plan to have with members regarding this transition. == Communications and Upgrade Calendar == Week of Saturday November 2, 2013 * Upgrade Rose * Figure out calendar of which MOSH'es are upgraded when * Send Lowdown and Service Advisory announcing when each MOSH will be upgraded * Send direct email to each member with a hosting order on malcolm with the announcement (since this is first major server with less notice) * Write script to detect members that are running a version of Drupal that is 5 or below * Send direct email to each member with a Drupal 5 or below hosting order letting them know that their web site will break, offer to move them to a MOSH that will hold old Drupals Week of Saturday, November 23, 2013 * Send Lowdown Announcement reminding people that malcolm is being upgraded next week, and repeating schedule * Send email to specific members on malcolm reminding them that the upgrade is taking place. Week of Saturday, December 7, 2013 * Upgrade malcolm Week of Saturday, December 14, 2014 * Send Lowdown Announcement reminding people of January upgrade, repeating schedule Week of Saturday, January 4, 2014 * Upgrade MOSH's according to schedule (see below) Week of Saturday, January 18, 2014 * Send Lowdown Announcement reminding people of February upgrade, repeating schedule Week of Saturday, February 1, 2014 * Upgrade MOSH's according to schedule (see below) == MOSH upgrade schedule == Saturday November 2, 2013 * rose Saturday December 7, 2013 * malcolm Saturday, January 4, 2014 * albizu * annapurna * annette * barghouti * binh * boggs * brown * buffy * chavez * clara * colin * daza * debs * didier * dorothy * eagle * foucault * gaspar * goldman * hammer * julia * june * kahlo * kerr * kinoy Saturday, February 1, 2014 * lucy * lumumba * magon * mandela * marx * menchu * molina * proudhon * rivera * rodolpho * roe * rose * rushdie * slaapbeen * sojourner * stokely * stone * stoney * tresca * viewsic * wolf * yippie * yser Special cases * jones: March 2014 (Union Web Services dedicated MOSH) * hashmi: August 2014 (Cesspool MOSH for moved Drupal sites) == Email messages == === Generic message about upgrade, with list of MOSH'es and the calendar === ==== English ==== In brief: The support team is planning the upgrade of our servers from Debian 6 to Debian 7, which has important implications for your web sites. The people responsible for maintaining your sites should ensure that your web software will be compatible with PHP 5.4. Failure to ensure compatibility may result in your web site failing to work properly. Greetings May First/People Link Member! As part of the process of maintaining our shared infrastructure, it is crucial that we upgrade obsolete software to fix security holes and bugs and introduce new features. Our servers run the Debian GNU/Linux operating systems, which is free software[1]. The Debian software packages, like in any operating systems, are constantly updated. However, Debian always maintains a "stable" version that only accepts minimal, security-related changes. This stable version is replaced approximately every 2 years. The stable version known as Debian 7 (aka "wheezy") was released on May 3, 2013 and replaced version 6 (aka "squeeze"), which as become obsolete. It is imperative for our server administrators to upgrade all our servers and this change has important implication for all members: the upgrade, which will proceed according to the schedule below, includes a change in the version of PHP, a very common web-programming language (from PHP 5.3 to PHP 5.4). Many older web sites programmed in PHP may not properly function with this newer version of the programming language. In particular, web sites running Drupal version 5 or lower will most likely break unless they are first upgraded. The support team has written the following calendar for upgrades, based on the name of your primary server (if you do not know the primary server of your web site, please login to the control panel - https://members.mayfirst.org/cp - and look for the label "Your primary host is"). Saturday, November 2, 2013 * rose Saturday, December 7, 2013 * malcolm Saturday, January 4, 2014 * albizu * annapurna * annette * barghouti * binh * boggs * brown * buffy * chavez * clara * colin * daza * debs * didier * dorothy * eagle * foucault * gaspar * goldman * hammer * julia * june * kahlo * kerr * kinoy Saturday, February 1, 2014 * lucy * lumumba * magon * mandela * marx * menchu * molina * proudhon * rivera * rodolpho * roe * rose * rushdie * slaapbeen * sojourner * stokely * stone * stoney * tresca * viewsic * wolf * yippie * yser Those members unable to upgrade your web site according to this schedule, may ask the support team to move your site to a server that will maintain an older version of PHP through August 2014. Notes 1. If you would like to learn more about the Debian GNU/Linux operating system, please visit: http://www.debian.org/intro/about.en.html You may be especially interested in the social contract: http://www.debian.org/social_contract.en.html 2. If you would like to learn more about the Debian upgrade process, please see: http://www.debian.org/releases/index.en.html Sincerely[[BR]] Support Team[[BR]] May First/People Link ==== Spanish ==== ||En concreto: el equipo de soporte ha programado la actualización del conjunto de servidores, éstos pasarán del Sistema Operativo Debian 6 a Debian 7, lo cual implica que los responsables del mantenimiento de cada sitio web deberán asegurarse de que el software que usan sea compatible con PHP 5.4. De lo contrario sus sitios web se verán afectados y podrían quedar inhabilitados.|| Estimados miembros, reciban un saludo. Como parte del proceso continuo de actualizaciones a la infraestructura compartida de servidores de nuestra asociación es imprescindible renovar el software obsoleto por razones de seguridad y también para incorporar correcciones y mejoras. Nuestros servidores son operados gracias al Sistema Operativo Debian, el cual es Software Libre (GNU/Linux) (1). Los componentes y paquetes de Debian, como en cualquier Sistema Operativo son constantemente modificados y su plan de desarrollo contempla el mantenimiento a la versión estratégica llamada "estable" que será renovada en el futuro por nuevas ediciones sobre las que ya se trabaja (2). La versión estable actual se denomina Debian 7 "Wheezy", la cual fue puesta a disposición el 4 de mayo 2013 y sustituyó a la versión 6 "Squeeze", misma que pasó a ser obsoleta. Estos cambios representan para la administración de nuestra infraestructura la necesidad imperativa de actualizar todos nuestros servidores y eso tiene implicaciones para ustedes: la actualización que se realizará de acuerdo con la programación anunciada más abajo dejará nuestra infraestructura corriendo en Debian 7 "Wheezy" el cual usa PHP 5.4, por lo que todos los sitios web que no puedan usar esta versión de PHP, deberán ser actualizados también, bajo entera responsabilidad de l@s responsables técnic@s y diseñadores/as a cargo del mantenimiento de los sitios web de nuestr@s miembros. Especial mención debe hacerse de los sitios web que usan Drupal 5 (o versiones anteriores) como gestor de contenidos, pues éstos también están en riesgo de quedar inservibles sino se toman las medidas adecuadas para ser actualizados. El equipo de soporte de Primero de Mayo/Enlace Popular ha programado un calendario de actualizaciones para la infraestructura de servidores que deberá ser considerado por todas las organizaciones y personas miembros que tienen sitios web con las características descritas anteriormente. Sábado 2 de noviembre de 2013 * rose Sábado 7 de dicienmbre de 2013 * malcolm Sábado 4 de enero de 2014 * albizu * annapurna * annette * barghouti * binh * boggs * brown * buffy * chavez * clara * colin * daza * debs * didier * dorothy * eagle * foucault * gaspar * goldman * hammer * julia * june * kahlo * kerr * kinoy Sábado 1o de febrero de 2014 * lucy * lumumba * magon * mandela * marx * menchu * molina * proudhon * rivera * rodolpho * roe * rose * rushdie * slaapbeen * sojourner * stokely * stone * stoney * tresca * viewsic * wolf * yippie * yser Aquell@s miembros que no puedan actualizar sus sitios web de acuerdo con este calendario, podrán solicitar que éstos sean trasladados a un servidor que mantendrá versiones anteriores a PHP 5.4 hasta el 1o de agosto de 2014. NOTAS: 1. Si desean conocer un poco más sobre Debian les recomendamos visitar http://www.debian.org/intro/about.es.html. De especial interés es el Contrato Social que da impulso a este proyecto: http://www.debian.org/social_contract.es.html 2. Pueden conocer un panorama introductorio sobre la lógica de desarrollo de Debian en http://www.debian.org/releases/index.es.html Atentamente[[BR]] Equipo de soporte[[BR]] Primero de Mayo/Enlace Popular === Direct message to members running older versions of Drupal === Dear Member,