Welcome to the May First/People Link wiki! This wiki contains all the information, policies, frequently asked questions, plans and thinking of the organization. == Conference Call number == When you have a conference call with MF/PL people, here's the info you need. [wiki:conference_call_info Conference Call Information] = Strategic Planning = Our [wiki:strategic_planning strategic planning section] contains the latest thoughts on the future development of the organization. Our [wiki:outreach2011 2011 Outreach Plan] is MF/PL's plan for outreach, membership recruitment and promotion. = Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) = The [wiki:faq] is the section where we list common technical questions and answers about the organization and how our services work. = Technology infrastructure = The [wiki:technology_infrastructure technology infrastructure] section contains the technical details and policies that guide our servers and technology for the organization. We also have a [wiki:support-team support team page] that provides the initial links for the team that supports the MFPL infrastructure. = Projects, Campaigns and committees = The [wiki:projects/leadership-committee] is the primary body overseeing the political direction of the organization. The [wiki:consulta_hemisferica] is a major campaign to foster and support an on-line "consulta" among representatives from all countries in the hemisphere. Low Down [wiki:USSF_newspaper Special Edition] is the text for our special, printed edition of Low Down for the United States Social Forum (if we call it LowDown which we might not). The [wiki:technologists_congress] is a project to hold a "techie congress" at the 2010 Social Forum. The [wiki:techies_of_color Techies of Color Development Project] is a special project for training and development that we are now planning. The [wiki:conferences_and_presentations Conferences and Presentations] page is the place to discuss upcoming presentations, conferences, and workshops. The [wiki:tbtl Take Back the Land] campaign. Our work at the [wiki:cop16 COP16] Conference in Cancun -- 2010. Recent Press Release on [wiki:metrospoof Metro] spoof paper. = New Materials = Materials that MF/PL is developing either in print or on the website. A new [wiki:whyjoinpiece membership pitch] is linked here. Some [wiki:websitechanges website changes] are linked from this page. Some [wiki:printedmaterials printed materials] are linked from this page. = Past campaigns/Proposals = The World Social Forum [wiki:wsf_ic_membership_app International Council Membership Application] is a continued effort to connect our work to international movements. The [wiki:wsf2008 World Social Forum 2008] campaign is intended to build support for the [http://wsf2008.net World Social Forum 2008 Day of Action] on January 26, 2008. The [wiki:free_software_campaign Live Free campaign] helps May First/People Link members make the switch to the most stable and widely supported free software programs: Firefox and Thunderbird. It has not yet been realized. The [wiki:consortium Consortium] project is intended to build a more effective referral and collaboration infrastructure for organizations providing web and Internet project development and design. Also on the back burner for now. The [wiki:apc_membership_app APC Membership Application] is the first step in a project we've undertaken to broaden our work internationally. Update: we're now members! The [wiki:member_to_member Member-to-Member] project helps members get to know each other, contribute to the thinking of the organization, and develop what it means to be a member. The [wiki:sf_of_the_americas_2008 Social Forum of the Americas 2008] proposal suggests ways we could be involved in [http://www.hic-net.org/eventsdetail.asp?PID=509 Social Forum of the Americas 2008] in October 2008. The [wiki:fossinitiative Free and Open Source Initiative] is a campaign, launched by a conference, designed to organize progressives to embrace FOSS, renounce the use of all corporate, proprietary software and work to promote FOSS choices as a political necessity. Proposal: [wiki:kit USB key kit] is a clever tool that uses low-cost USB keys to distribute FOSS applications and allow users to securely use any computer.