= How do I remove a file from svn (and all of it's revisions)? = This page is designed for MFPL administrators. Special permissions are required to execute these steps. If you have a file you would like removed from our subversion repository, please [/newticket open a ticket to request it's removal]. First, check the [ http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#removal docs] to see if `svn obliterate` has been implemented. As of this writing, it has not been implemented. To manually obliterate a file, follow these steps on `moses.mayfirst.org` (aka `svn.mayfirst.org`). Replace $GROUP with the name of the group whose repo has the file you want to obliterate. {{{ mkdir /srv/backup cd /srv/backup cp -rp /srv/svn/$GROUP $GROUP.full.backup svnadmin dump /srv/svn/$GROUP > $GROUP.dump grep "file/or/dir/to/delete" $GROUP.dump # check output for exact path to pass to next command cat $GROUP.dump | svndumpfilter exclude path/to/exclude > $GROUP.clean.dump grep "file/or/dir/to/delete" mfpl.clean.dump #make sure it's really gone mv /home/$GROUP/.ssh/authorized_keys{,.off} # make sure nobody uses the repo rm -rf /srv/svn/$GROUP svnadmin create /srv/svn/$GROUP cp $GROUP.full.backup/hooks/* /srv/svn/$GROUP/hooks/ svnadmin load /srv/svn/$GROUP < $GROUP.clean.dump chgrp -R $GROUP /srv/svn/$GROUP find /srv/svn/$GROUP -perm -u+w -exec chmod g+w '{}' ';' mv /home/$GROUP/.ssh/authorized_keys{.off,} }}} Note: if you are removing a file or directory from the MFPL repo or any repo that is synchronizing to a trac installation, you need to repeat this process on the repo feeding the trac installation. Here's a sample output of running these commands on moses, the server running the MFPL trac installation (note - because it's on moses, it's a little different than the commands in the above example which are designed to be run on allende, the svn server). I used the --quiet option so the whole session could be copied with less noise. Also, the initial backup was made earlier in the session. {{{ 0 moses:/srv/svn/backup# ls mfpl.full.backup 0 moses:/srv/svn/backup# svnadmin dump --quiet /srv/svn/mfpl > mfpl.dump 0 moses:/srv/svn/backup# grep "mass_email/log.txt" mfpl.dump Node-path: trunk/seso/basebuilder/databases/seso/scripts/mass_email/log.txt Node-path: trunk/seso/basebuilder/databases/seso/scripts/mass_email/log.txt.sample Node-path: trunk/seso/basebuilder/databases/seso/scripts/mass_email/log.txt Node-path: tags/seso/4/basebuilder/databases/seso/scripts/mass_email/log.txt 0 moses:/srv/svn/backup# cat mfpl.dump | svndumpfilter --quiet exclude trunk/seso/basebuilder/databases/seso/scripts/mass_email/log.txt > mfpl.clean.dump 0 moses:/srv/svn/backup# cat mfpl.clean.dump | svndumpfilter --quiet exclude tags/seso/4/basebuilder/databases/seso/scripts/mass_email/log.txt > mfpl.clean.final.dump 0 moses:/srv/svn/backup# grep "mass_email/log.txt" mfpl.clean.final.dump 1 moses:/srv/svn/backup# mv /home/svnsync/.ssh/authorized_keys{,.off} 0 moses:/srv/svn/backup# rm -rf /srv/svn/mfpl 0 moses:/srv/svn/backup# svnadmin create /srv/svn/mfpl 0 moses:/srv/svn/backup# cp mfpl.full.backup/hooks/* /srv/svn/mfpl/hooks/ cp: overwrite `/srv/svn/mfpl/hooks/post-commit.tmpl'? y cp: overwrite `/srv/svn/mfpl/hooks/post-lock.tmpl'? y cp: overwrite `/srv/svn/mfpl/hooks/post-revprop-change.tmpl'? y cp: overwrite `/srv/svn/mfpl/hooks/post-unlock.tmpl'? y cp: overwrite `/srv/svn/mfpl/hooks/pre-commit.tmpl'? y cp: overwrite `/srv/svn/mfpl/hooks/pre-lock.tmpl'? y cp: overwrite `/srv/svn/mfpl/hooks/pre-revprop-change.tmpl'? y cp: overwrite `/srv/svn/mfpl/hooks/pre-unlock.tmpl'? y cp: overwrite `/srv/svn/mfpl/hooks/start-commit.tmpl'? y 0 moses:/srv/svn/backup# svnadmin load --quiet /srv/svn/mfpl < mfpl.clean.final.dump 0 moses:/srv/svn/backup# chgrp -R svnsync:svnsync /srv/svn/mfpl chgrp: invalid group `svnsync:svnsync' 1 moses:/srv/svn/backup# chown -R svnsync:svnsync /srv/svn/mfpl 0 moses:/srv/svn/backup# mv /home/svnsync/.ssh/authorized_keys{.off,} 0 moses:/srv/svn/backup# }}} Thanks to [http://www.robgonda.com/blog/index.cfm/2005/7/10/SVN-Obliterate Rob Gonada for spelling out the steps to take].