= MongoDB = May First/People Link does not officially support mongodb databases and does not make backups of databases created by users. However, if requested, we can setup a mongodb for you. == Admin steps == * Install mongodb: `apt install mongodb` * Login: `mongo mongodb://localhost:27017` * Add admin user/password (save password in [wiki:keyringer]) {{{ db.createUser( { user: "useradmin", pwd: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxP", roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ] } ) }}} * Logout (`ctl-d`) * Edit `/etc/mongodb.conf` and uncomment `auth = true` * Restart mongodb `systemctl restart mongodb` * Login again (this time with password) `mongo -u useradmin -p mongodb://localhost:27017` * Create requested database: `use ` * Create user account: {{{ db.createUser( { user: "", pwd: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "" } ] } ) }}} * Create file in user home directory with the credentials. * Test connection with: {{{ mongo -u -p mongodb://localhost:27017/