[[TranslatedPages]] == Who we are? == http://gripuqam.org We are french speaking so this page will be translated unsing the advise in [wiki:/faq/translate/pages] == Wiki page we read or collaborate to write @ mayfirst == * [wiki:/faq/translate/pages] * WikiFormatting * [wiki:TracQuery#UsingtheTicketQueryMacro TicketQuery Macro] (tagging tickets) examples: * [wiki:tzk:choices] * [wiki:support-team/dkg] * https://support.mayfirst.org/tags * http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TicketQuery * http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracQuery * There is somewhere a useful cloud of tags. [wiki:/faq/wordpress/WordPressInstall] * Tag for Debian packages `[DebianPackage:python-whoosh]`[DebianPackage:python-whoosh] == Tickets we follow == === Taged with GRIP-UQAM === [[TicketQuery(keywords~=GRIP-UQAM,order=changetime,desc=1,format=table,col=changetime|resolution|owner|summary)]] === Taged with python, tendenci, django, pyramid, fastcgi, php, drupal7, drupal, chelsea === [[TicketQuery(max=50,keywords~=python|tendenci|django|pyramid|fastcgi|php|drupal7|drupal|chelsea.mayfirst.org,order=changetime,desc=1,format=table,col=changetime|resolution|owner|summary)]] === Reported by us === [[TicketQuery(reporter=https://id.mayfirst.org/gripuqam|https://id.mayfirst.org/gripuqamweb|https://id.mayfirst.org/essais)]] === Taged with GRIP-UQAM with description === [[TicketQuery(keywords~=GRIP-UQAM,format=table,col=changetime|resolution|owner|summary,rows=description)]] == Development Tool == * [wiki:/faq/setup-development-workstation] * [wiki:/setup_virtual_machine] == Pages we may need one day == * [wiki:apachesolr] * [wiki:faq/drupal/update-module] * [wiki:create_mysql_database] * [wiki:phpmyadmin_link] * [wiki:support-team] == Some Drush commands == * drush -v help * drush -v status * drush -v core-status * drush -v status-report * drush -v elysia-cron * drush -v core-cron * drush -v pm-refresh * drush -v rf * drush -v pm-download * drush -v dl * drush -v pm-updatecode * drush -v upc * drush -v pm-update * drush -v up * drush -v pm-list * drush -v pml * drush --status=enabled pm-list * drush pm-info * drush pm-enable * drush pm-disable * drush -v updatedb * drush -v updb * drush libraries-list * drush -v l10n-update-status * drush -v cache-clear * drush -v bam-sources * nice... == Useful Debian Packages (Chelsea) == * [DebianPackage:apache2-mpm-worker](debian 8 jessie [DebianPackage:apache2]) * [DebianPackage:apache2-suexec-custom] (also debian 8 jessie [DebianPackage:apache2-suexec-pristine] or debian 7 wheezy [DebianPackage:apache2-suexec]) * [DebianPackage:libapache2-mod-fcgid] * [DebianPackage:php5-cgi] == Note Altern-C == * Altern-C seems to use [DebianPackage:libapache2-mpm-itk](debian 7 wheezy [DebianPackage:apache2-mpm-itk] == To keep in mind == [ticket:4875] [query:id=4875] [[TicketQuery(id=4875)]] [[TicketQuery(id=5580)]] [[TicketQuery(id=5605)]] [[TicketQuery(id=6287)]] * http://servers.mayfirst.org/