[[TranslatedPages]] == Who we are? == http://gripuqam.org We are french speaking so this page will be translated unsing the advise in [wiki:/faq/translate/pages] == Wiki page we read or collaborate to write @ mayfirst == * [wiki:/faq/translate/pages] * Formatting List of References * Title in italic * References * http://library.concordia.ca/help/citing/ * http://library.concordia.ca/help/citing/apa.php * http://library.concordia.ca/help/citing/mla.php * http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html * Types of documents * Book * README * FAQ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAQ Wikipedia] * HOWTO [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How-to#Usage_in_the_world_of_computers Wikipedia] * Recipe [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recipe Wikipedia] * Guide [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guide Wikipedia] * WikiFormatting * http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracSyntaxColoring * Trac Syntax Coloring Example {{{ {{{#!sh }}} {{{#!application/x-shellscript }}} }}} {{{#!sh path$ echo "World" ; ls ; cd ; help # comment }}} {{{#!comment {{{#!application/x-shellscript path$ echo "World" ; ls ; cd ; help # comment }}} }}} {{{ {{{#!json }}} {{{#!application/json }}} }}} {{{#!json { "name": "drupal7", # comment forbidden in json "private": true // no coma here! } }}} {{{#!comment {{{#!application/json { "name": "drupal7", # comment forbidden in json "private": true # no coma here! } }}} }}} * #!diff * #!yml * #!text/x-yaml * #!application/x-yaml * #!xml * #!application/xml-dtd ... * #!html //Insert custom HTML in a wiki page.// * #!text/html //The result will be syntax highlighted HTML code// * #!text/html+twig * #!application/x-twig * #!application/x-httpd-php5 * #!python * #!php * #!text/x-php * #!text/css * #!js * #!text/javascript ... * **#!sql** * #!text/x-sql * #!text/x-sqlite3-console * #!text/x-postgresql-psql ... * #!text/x-mysql * #!text/x-diff * #!text/x-trac-wiki * #!application/x-sh-session **No macro or processor named 'application/x-sh-session' found** * [wiki:TracQuery#UsingtheTicketQueryMacro TicketQuery Macro] (tagging tickets) examples: * [wiki:tzk:choices] * [wiki:support-team/dkg] * https://support.mayfirst.org/tags * http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TicketQuery * http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracQuery * There is somewhere a useful cloud of tags. [wiki:/faq/wordpress/WordPressInstall] * Tag for Debian packages `[DebianPackage:python-whoosh]`[DebianPackage:python-whoosh] == Tickets we follow == === Taged with GRIP-UQAM === [[TicketQuery(max=10,keywords~=GRIP-UQAM,order=changetime,desc=1,format=table,col=changetime|resolution|owner|summary)]] === Taged with python, tendenci, django, pyramid, php, drupal7, drupal, golang, fastcgi, chelsea, ossie === [[TicketQuery(max=10,keywords~=python|tendenci|django|pyramid|php|drupal7|drupal|golang|fastcgi|chelsea.mayfirst.org|ossie.mayfirst.org,order=changetime,desc=1,format=table,col=changetime|resolution|owner|summary)]] === Reported by us === [[TicketQuery(reporter=https://id.mayfirst.org/gripuqam|https://id.mayfirst.org/gripuqamweb|https://id.mayfirst.org/essais)]] === Taged with GRIP-UQAM with description === [[TicketQuery(max=1,keywords~=GRIP-UQAM,format=table,col=changetime|resolution|owner|summary,rows=description)]] == Development Tool == * [wiki:/faq/setup-development-workstation] * [wiki:/setup_virtual_machine] == Pages we may need one day == * [wiki:apachesolr] * [wiki:faq/drupal/update-module] * [wiki:create_mysql_database] * [wiki:phpmyadmin_link] * [wiki:support-team] == Communication softwares == * https://tryit.jssip.net/ * https://live.mayfirst.org/ * https://meet.mayfirst.org/ == Web Conferences == * [https://jitsi.org/ Jitsi] * https://meet.jit.si/ == File synchronization == === WebDAV === * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebDAV * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SabreDAV ==== Symbolic links ==== * keyword: symbolic link web dav === File synchronization / Git === * [DebianPackage:sparkleshare] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SparkleShare Wikipedia] [https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/sparkleshare ubuntu-fr] [https://sparkleshare.org/ sparkleshare.org] == Backup == * https://support.mayfirst.org/wiki/faq/member-backup == DNS == * {{{#!sh $ dig @ns3.example.org +short www.example.org }}} == Cron == * Consider output to an (even empty) file a good practice allowing to check last time the command has been executed. This is because some subtle errors may prevent execution of cron commands, eg. see #11534 {{{#!sh ... &> cron/results/ }}} * Consider nice and ionice to give priority to interactive tasks {{{#!sh nice -n 127 ionice --class=idle ... }}} == Email == * [wiki:faq/email/configure-email] * [wiki:bulk-mail-relay] * [wiki:email-deliverability] * #9787 === Filter === ==== Sieve ==== * [wiki:sieve] ==== Maildrop (deprecated at MayFirst) ==== * [DebianPackage:maildrop] * #10802 * #1481 == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Postgres Postgres] == == MongoDB == * #11321 == Database Clients == * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_database_tools * [DebianPackage:pgadmin3] * [DebianPackage:phpmyadmin] * http://www.sitepoint.com/phpmyadmin-alternatives/ * [DebianPackage:adminer] * https://packagist.org/packages/vrana/adminer * https://www.adminer.org/ * https://github.com/vrana/adminer/blob/master/plugins/login-table.php * http://php.vrana.cz/architecture-of-adminer.php * http://www.sitepoint.com/nette-framework-first-impressions/ * https://www.drupal.org/project/adminer (Check if bug with version 4 has been resolved!) * [https://www.leaseweb.com/labs/2014/04/10-developer-tools-install-ubuntu-14-04/ Install Adminer 4 in Apache] * squirrel+sql+site:debian.org * 3.3.3 does not work on debian 8 * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQuirreL_SQL_Client * http://squirrel-sql.sourceforge.net * DBEdit+site:debian.org * phpLiteAdmin+site:debian.org * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PhpLiteAdmin == Git == * Branches and tags * keyword: how to find the tag of a git * https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Tagging * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/978052/how-can-i-make-my-local-repository-available-for-git-pull * http://www.git-tower.com/blog/git-cheat-sheet == Json == === .json validator === * keyword: linux json validator * keyword: json validator site:debian.org * jsonlint * [DebianPackage:jsonlint] * {{{composer require seld/jsonlint}}} * https://packagist.org/packages/seld/jsonlint * [DebianPackage:python-json-schema-validator] == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Bower Javascript packages: Bower] == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Composer Composer] == == Web Applications == * https://www.neos.io/ * **[wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Drupal Drupal]** == Useful Debian Packages (Chelsea) == * [DebianPackage:apache2-mpm-worker](debian 8 jessie [DebianPackage:apache2] which uses mpm_event by default) * http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/ * http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mpm.html * http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/event.html * http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/worker.html * [DebianPackage:apache2-suexec-custom] (also debian 8 jessie [DebianPackage:apache2-suexec-pristine] or debian 7 wheezy [DebianPackage:apache2-suexec]) * [DebianPackage:libapache2-mod-fcgid] * [DebianPackage:php5-cgi] * since february 2016 MayFirst uses mod_proxy_fcgi + php5-fpm == Note Altern-C == * Altern-C seems to use [DebianPackage:libapache2-mpm-itk](debian 7 wheezy [DebianPackage:apache2-mpm-itk]) == To keep in mind == [ticket:4875] [query:id=4875] [[TicketQuery(id=4875)]] [[TicketQuery(id=5580)]] [[TicketQuery(id=5605)]] [[TicketQuery(id=6287)]] * http://servers.mayfirst.org/ == drupal.org followup == * https://localize.drupal.org/comment/51445#comment-51445 == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/PHP PHP (Libraries and ...)] == == HTML Slides == * https://packagist.org/packages/seld/slippy == Radical Servers == * https://help.riseup.net/en/security/resources/radical-servers == Fonts == * [DebianPackage:fonts-font-awesome] == HTML Programming == * Microformat [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microformat Wikipedia] * hRecipe [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HRecipe Wikipedia] == Java Programming == * https://packages.debian.org/fr/libunixsocket == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Doctrine_(PHP) Doctrine_(PHP)] == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Drupal Drupal] == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/InformationRetrievalSoftwareLibraries Information Retrieval Software Libraries] == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Javascript Javascript] == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Perl Perl] == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/PHP PHP] == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Postgres Postgres] == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Python Python] == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/SQL SQL] Database Programming == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Symfony Symfony] Programming == == SSL / https == * wiki:faq/security/get-certificate * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7064087/how-to-convert-csr-to-cer-or-whatever-usable-on-windows (self-signing) * https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_ssl.html === Web policy (Google policy) === * https://security.googleblog.com/2016/09/moving-towards-more-secure-web.html * https://webmasters.googleblog.com/2014/08/https-as-ranking-signal.html * https://blogs.letemps.ch/emily-turrettini/2016/09/11/google-compte-sanctionner-les-sites-qui-ne-sont-pas-securises/ === Koumbit === 2016-09-19 > (11:19:45) LeLutin: nardberjean: bonjour, on essaye de se tenir à jour pour ce qui est des algorithmes de crypto utilisés avec SSL/TLS. on a encore RC4 d'activé mais une discussion est en cours à propos de ce sujet là. pour ce qui est du support pour https pour les sites web, tu pourra obtenir de l'information pour ton site en particulier en contactant le support. On peut installer des certificats pour les sites web, mais dépendant des services ça peut requérir une intervention manuelle. si tu as déjà un certificat acheté par toi-même ça simplifie le processus mais on peut aussi en acheter un pour toi (les prix pourront t'être confirmés par le secrétariat) > (11:30:44) just1602: LeLutin: est-ce que ce serait possible d'installer un certificat avec let's encrypt pour un site hosté chez koumbit? > (11:33:00) LeLutin: just1602: ça dépend sur quel service.. on est malheureusement un peu en retard là dessus. ça dépend surtout des outils qu'on utilise pour l'hébergement partagé. sur HAG je crois pas que c'est possible présentement (upstream travaillent sur l'intégration mais c'est vraiment lent). sur aegir on a déjà testé un module en développement pour ça et ça a échoué lamentablement, donc on doit attendre que le code du module s'améliore un peu avant de pouvoir intégrer, mais on a meilleur espoir ici que du côté de HAG > (11:33:16) LeLutin: sur les VPS ça s'arrange == Web confidentiality == * [https://blogs.letemps.ch/emily-turrettini/2016/09/03/pourquoi-il-faut-reflechir-avant-de-donner-a-facebook-les-acces-a-vos-contacts-et-photos/ Pourquoi il faut réfléchir avant de donner à Facebook, les accès à vos contacts et photos] == HTTP Redirection == * https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/en/mod/mod_alias.html * https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/en/rewrite/remapping.html * https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/en/rewrite/avoid.html * https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/apache-tips-and-tricks/redirect-urls-with-the-apache-web-server * https://www.croc-informatique.fr/2011/06/faire-une-redirection-avec-apache/ * #3351 * #10569 == HTTP Cache (Reverse Proxy) == * [wiki:faq/shared-varnish-server] == SSD == * #11870 == QR-codes == * keywords: qr code creator linux * [http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/Features/Generating-QR-Codes-in-Linux Generating QR Codes in Linux] * [https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/qrcode QRcode/Code_QR] === Printed size issues === === Encoding issues === * [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9699657/is-utf-8-the-encoding-of-choice-for-qr-codes-with-non-ascii-chars-by-now Is UTF-8 the encoding of choice for QR-codes with non ASCII chars by now?] === Encoding flexible Generators === * For public data one can use https://zxing.appspot.com/generator/ * For more private data or intensive use [https://sites.google.com/site/qrcodeforwn/home/qr-code-generator-for-wireless-networks Portable QR-Code Generator] === URL-QR === If the URL contains non-ASCII characters, it may be easier to add a redirection from a ASCII URL. === Testing === zbarcam can test on screen rendered QR-codes, from web or files, with an external webcam. == Monitoring == === Website Performance indicators === * [https://www.paessler.com/blog/2011/05/13/monitoring-knowledge/15_website_performance_indicators_you_should_monitor 15 WEBSITE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS YOU SHOULD MONITOR] * [https://www.nagios.com/solutions/website-performance-monitoring/ Website Performance Monitoring With Nagios] === Applications === * [DebianPackage:icinga2] (fork of nagios) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icinga Wikipedia] http://docs.icinga.org/ [http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=icinga WorldCat] keywords: Website Performance Monitoring With Icinga * [DebianPackage:nagios3] (less and less used) * [DebianPackage:monitoring-plugins] * [DebianPackage:nmon] * [DebianPackage:funkload] python * [DebianPackage:jmeter] 100% pure Java desktop application === Web browser testing === * [DebianPackage:phantomjs] Scriptable Headless WebKit [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PhantomJS Wikipedia] [http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=phantomjs WorldCat] * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selenium_(software) * [DebianPackage:python-selenium], [DebianPackage:chromedriver], [DebianPackage:firefoxdriver] == MS Windows == * https://chocolatey.org/packages == Desktop applications == === Video editors === * [DebianPackage:openshot] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenShot * [DebianPackage:pitivi] non-linear audio/video editor using GStreamer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitivi * [DebianPackage:kino] decreasing popularity (2016-09) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kino_(software) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Studio#Video Ubuntu_Studio#Video (Wikipedia)]