[[TranslatedPages]] == Who we are? == http://gripuqam.org We are french speaking so this page will be translated unsing the advise in [wiki:/faq/translate/pages] == Wiki page we read or collaborate to write @ mayfirst == * [wiki:/faq/translate/pages] * Formatting List of References * Title in italic * References * http://library.concordia.ca/help/citing/ * http://library.concordia.ca/help/citing/apa.php * http://library.concordia.ca/help/citing/mla.php * http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html * Types of documents * Book * README * FAQ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAQ Wikipedia] * HOWTO [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How-to#Usage_in_the_world_of_computers Wikipedia] * Recipe [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recipe Wikipedia] * Guide [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guide Wikipedia] * WikiFormatting * http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracSyntaxColoring * Trac Syntax Coloring Example {{{ {{{#!sh }}} {{{#!application/x-shellscript }}} }}} {{{#!sh path$ echo "World" ; ls ; cd ; help # comment }}} {{{#!comment {{{#!application/x-shellscript path$ echo "World" ; ls ; cd ; help # comment }}} }}} {{{ {{{#!json }}} {{{#!application/json }}} }}} {{{#!json { "name": "drupal7", # comment forbidden in json "private": true // no coma here! } }}} {{{#!comment {{{#!application/json { "name": "drupal7", # comment forbidden in json "private": true # no coma here! } }}} }}} * #!diff * #!yml * #!text/x-yaml * #!application/x-yaml * #!xml * #!application/xml-dtd ... * #!html //Insert custom HTML in a wiki page.// * #!text/html //The result will be syntax highlighted HTML code// * #!text/html+twig * #!application/x-twig * #!application/x-httpd-php5 * #!python * #!php * #!text/x-php * #!text/css * #!js * #!text/javascript ... * **#!sql** * #!text/x-sql * #!text/x-sqlite3-console * #!text/x-postgresql-psql ... * #!text/x-mysql * #!text/x-diff * #!text/x-trac-wiki * #!application/x-sh-session **No macro or processor named 'application/x-sh-session' found** * [wiki:TracQuery#UsingtheTicketQueryMacro TicketQuery Macro] (tagging tickets) examples: * [wiki:tzk:choices] * [wiki:support-team/dkg] * https://support.mayfirst.org/tags * http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TicketQuery * http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracQuery * There is somewhere a useful cloud of tags. [wiki:/faq/wordpress/WordPressInstall] * Tag for Debian packages `[DebianPackage:python-whoosh]`[DebianPackage:python-whoosh] == Tickets we follow == === Taged with GRIP-UQAM === [[TicketQuery(max=10,keywords~=GRIP-UQAM,order=changetime,desc=1,format=table,col=changetime|resolution|owner|summary)]] === Taged with python, tendenci, django, pyramid, php, drupal7, drupal, golang, fastcgi, chelsea, ossie === [[TicketQuery(max=10,keywords~=python|tendenci|django|pyramid|php|drupal7|drupal|golang|fastcgi|chelsea.mayfirst.org|ossie.mayfirst.org,order=changetime,desc=1,format=table,col=changetime|resolution|owner|summary)]] === Reported by us === [[TicketQuery(reporter=https://id.mayfirst.org/gripuqam|https://id.mayfirst.org/gripuqamweb|https://id.mayfirst.org/essais)]] === Taged with GRIP-UQAM with description === [[TicketQuery(max=1,keywords~=GRIP-UQAM,format=table,col=changetime|resolution|owner|summary,rows=description)]] == Development Tool == * [wiki:/faq/setup-development-workstation] * [wiki:/setup_virtual_machine] == Pages we may need one day == * [wiki:apachesolr] * [wiki:faq/drupal/update-module] * [wiki:create_mysql_database] * [wiki:phpmyadmin_link] * [wiki:support-team] == Communication softwares == * https://tryit.jssip.net/ * https://live.mayfirst.org/ == WebDAV == * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebDAV * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SabreDAV === Symbolic links === * keyword: symbolic link web dav === Backup === * https://support.mayfirst.org/wiki/faq/member-backup === DNS === * {{{#!sh $ dig @ns3.example.org +short www.example.org }}} == Cron == * Consider output to an (even empty) file a good practice allowing to check last time the command has been executed. This is because some subtle errors may prevent execution of cron commands, eg. see #11534 {{{#!sh ... &> cron/results/ }}} * Consider nice and ionice to give priority to interactive tasks {{{#!sh nice -n 127 ionice --class=idle ... }}} == Email == * [wiki:faq/email/configure-email] * [wiki:bulk-mail-relay] * [wiki:email-deliverability] === Filter === ==== Sieve ==== * [wiki:sieve] ==== Maildrop (deprecated at MayFirst) ==== * [DebianPackage:maildrop] * #10802 * #1481 == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Postgres Postgres] == == MongoDB == * #11321 == Database Clients == * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_database_tools * [DebianPackage:pgadmin3] * [DebianPackage:phpmyadmin] * http://www.sitepoint.com/phpmyadmin-alternatives/ * [DebianPackage:adminer] * https://packagist.org/packages/vrana/adminer * https://www.adminer.org/ * https://github.com/vrana/adminer/blob/master/plugins/login-table.php * http://php.vrana.cz/architecture-of-adminer.php * http://www.sitepoint.com/nette-framework-first-impressions/ * https://www.drupal.org/project/adminer (Check if bug with version 4 has been resolved!) * [https://www.leaseweb.com/labs/2014/04/10-developer-tools-install-ubuntu-14-04/ Install Adminer 4 in Apache] * squirrel+sql+site:debian.org * 3.3.3 does not work on debian 8 * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQuirreL_SQL_Client * http://squirrel-sql.sourceforge.net * DBEdit+site:debian.org * phpLiteAdmin+site:debian.org * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PhpLiteAdmin == Git == * Branches and tags * keyword: how to find the tag of a git * https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Tagging * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/978052/how-can-i-make-my-local-repository-available-for-git-pull * http://www.git-tower.com/blog/git-cheat-sheet == Json == === .json validator === * keyword: linux json validator * keyword: json validator site:debian.org * jsonlint * [DebianPackage:jsonlint] * {{{composer require seld/jsonlint}}} * https://packagist.org/packages/seld/jsonlint * [DebianPackage:python-json-schema-validator] == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Bower Javascript packages: Bower] == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Composer Composer] == == Web Applications == * https://www.neos.io/ * **[wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Drupal Drupal]** == Useful Debian Packages (Chelsea) == * [DebianPackage:apache2-mpm-worker](debian 8 jessie [DebianPackage:apache2] which uses mpm_event by default) * http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/ * http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mpm.html * http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/event.html * http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/worker.html * [DebianPackage:apache2-suexec-custom] (also debian 8 jessie [DebianPackage:apache2-suexec-pristine] or debian 7 wheezy [DebianPackage:apache2-suexec]) * [DebianPackage:libapache2-mod-fcgid] * [DebianPackage:php5-cgi] * since february 2016 MayFirst uses mod_proxy_fcgi + php5-fpm == Note Altern-C == * Altern-C seems to use [DebianPackage:libapache2-mpm-itk](debian 7 wheezy [DebianPackage:apache2-mpm-itk]) == To keep in mind == [ticket:4875] [query:id=4875] [[TicketQuery(id=4875)]] [[TicketQuery(id=5580)]] [[TicketQuery(id=5605)]] [[TicketQuery(id=6287)]] * http://servers.mayfirst.org/ == drupal.org followup == * https://localize.drupal.org/comment/51445#comment-51445 == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/PHP PHP (Libraries and ...)] == == HTML Slides == * https://packagist.org/packages/seld/slippy == Radical Servers == * https://help.riseup.net/en/security/resources/radical-servers == Fonts == * [DebianPackage:fonts-font-awesome] == HTML Programming == * Microformat [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microformat Wikipedia] * hRecipe [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HRecipe Wikipedia] == Java Programming == * https://packages.debian.org/fr/libunixsocket == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Doctrine_(PHP) Doctrine_(PHP)] == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Drupal Drupal] == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/InformationRetrievalSoftwareLibraries Information Retrieval Software Libraries] == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Javascript Javascript] == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Perl Perl] == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/PHP PHP] == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Postgres Postgres] == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Python Python] == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/SQL SQL] Database Programming == == [wiki:members/GRIP-UQAM/Symfony Symfony] Programming == == SSL / https == * wiki:faq/security/get-certificate * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7064087/how-to-convert-csr-to-cer-or-whatever-usable-on-windows (self-signing) * https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_ssl.html == SSD == * #11870 == QR-codes == * keywords: qr code creator linux * [http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/Features/Generating-QR-Codes-in-Linux Generating QR Codes in Linux] * [https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/qrcode QRcode/Code_QR] === Printed size issues === === Encoding issues === * [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9699657/is-utf-8-the-encoding-of-choice-for-qr-codes-with-non-ascii-chars-by-now Is UTF-8 the encoding of choice for QR-codes with non ASCII chars by now?] === Encoding flexible Generators === * For public data one can use https://zxing.appspot.com/generator/ * For more private data or intensive use [https://sites.google.com/site/qrcodeforwn/home/qr-code-generator-for-wireless-networks Portable QR-Code Generator] === URL-QR === If the URL contains non-ASCII characters, it may be easier to add a redirection from a ASCII URL. === Testing === zbarcam can test on screen rendered QR-codes, from web or files, with an external webcam. == Monitoring == === Website Performance indicators === * [https://www.paessler.com/blog/2011/05/13/monitoring-knowledge/15_website_performance_indicators_you_should_monitor 15 WEBSITE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS YOU SHOULD MONITOR] * [https://www.nagios.com/solutions/website-performance-monitoring/ Website Performance Monitoring With Nagios] === Applications === * [DebianPackage:icinga2] (fork of nagios) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icinga Wikipedia] http://docs.icinga.org/ [http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=icinga WorldCat] keywords: Website Performance Monitoring With Icinga * [DebianPackage:nagios3] (less and less used) * [DebianPackage:monitoring-plugins] * [DebianPackage:nmon] * [DebianPackage:funkload] python * [DebianPackage:jmeter] 100% pure Java desktop application === Web browser testing === * [DebianPackage:phantomjs] Scriptable Headless WebKit [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PhantomJS Wikipedia] [http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=phantomjs WorldCat] * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selenium_(software) * [DebianPackage:python-selenium], [DebianPackage:chromedriver], [DebianPackage:firefoxdriver]