[[PageOutline]] * [wiki:Web_badge Web badge] * [wiki:WikiHtml Using HTML in Wiki Text] * [wiki:/faq/translate/pages] * Formatting List of References * Title in italic * References * http://library.concordia.ca/help/citing/ * http://library.concordia.ca/help/citing/apa.php * http://library.concordia.ca/help/citing/mla.php * http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html * Types of documents * Book * README * FAQ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAQ Wikipedia] * HOWTO [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How-to#Usage_in_the_world_of_computers Wikipedia] * Recipe [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recipe Wikipedia] * Guide [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guide Wikipedia] * WikiFormatting * Definition list * https://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/WikiFormatting#DefinitionLists * May be sensitive to space in front of items * Color * `span` * [[span(''WORLD'', style=color: green)]] {{{#!sh [[span(''WORLD'', style=color: green)]] }}} * https://trac-hacks.org/wiki/ColorMacro * [[Color(red, This has a red background)]] * [[Color(lightblue, green, This has a lightblue background and green text)]] * [[Color(none, #0000bb, I'm using a hex color)]] * https://coveralls.io/ * https://trac-hacks.org/wiki/IncludeMacro * http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracSyntaxColoring * Trac Syntax Coloring Example {{{ {{{#!sh }}} {{{#!application/x-shellscript }}} }}} {{{#!sh path$ echo "World" ; ls ; cd ; help # comment }}} {{{#!comment {{{#!application/x-shellscript path$ echo "World" ; ls ; cd ; help # comment }}} }}} {{{ {{{#!json }}} {{{#!application/json }}} }}} {{{#!json { "name": "drupal7", # comment forbidden in json "private": true // no coma here! } }}} {{{#!comment {{{#!application/json { "name": "drupal7", # comment forbidden in json "private": true # no coma here! } }}} }}} * #!diff * #!yml * #!text/x-yaml * #!application/x-yaml * #!xml * #!application/xml-dtd ... * #!html //Insert custom HTML in a wiki page.// * #!text/html //The result will be syntax highlighted HTML code// * #!text/html+twig * #!application/x-twig * #!application/x-httpd-php5 * #!python * #!php * #!text/x-php * #!text/css * #!js * #!text/javascript ... * **#!sql** * #!text/x-sql * #!text/x-sqlite3-console * #!text/x-postgresql-psql ... * #!text/x-mysql * #!text/x-diff * #!text/x-trac-wiki * #!application/x-sh-session **No macro or processor named 'application/x-sh-session' found** * [wiki:TracQuery#UsingtheTicketQueryMacro TicketQuery Macro] (tagging tickets) examples: * [wiki:tzk:choices] * [wiki:support-team/dkg] * https://support.mayfirst.org/tags * http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TicketQuery * http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracQuery * There is somewhere a useful cloud of tags. [wiki:/faq/wordpress/WordPressInstall] * Tag for Debian packages `[DebianPackage:python-whoosh]`[DebianPackage:python-whoosh] (no tag for fedora https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/package/rpms/php-zendframework-zend-diactoros/) * WikiPedia, Google * other tags [wiki:InterMapTxt] * Image included in wiki files [[Image(https://support.mayfirst.org/raw-attachment/wiki/members/GRIP-UQAM/WikiWritingUsingTrac/Shapes.svg, link=https://support.mayfirst.org/attachment/wiki/members/GRIP-UQAM/WikiWritingUsingTrac/Shapes.svg, title=Shapes.svg)]] {{{ #!html


}}} * Yet unknown (by Trac) HTML5 tags like are discarded! (//[http://www.w3schools.com/graphics/svg_inhtml.asp Embed SVG Directly Into HTML Pages]//) {{{ #!html }}} {{{ #!html }}}