= Jessie Stretch Upgrade Page = == Predictable Network Interfaces Names == With Stretch, network interfaces get [https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ predictable interface names]. To keep our tried and true eth0, puppet will start adding a udev rule for stretch machines. (You would think systemd-network would allow us to simply add a .link file to /etc/systemd/network - but [https://serverfault.com/questions/837454/interface-will-not-rename-under-systemd alas this doesn't seem to work without also adding a udev rule - so why bother with the .link file?].) IMPORTANT: This udev rule is added automatically and should work fine for most non-physical servers (it takes the mac address from puppet's factor and names it eth0), but physical servers, servers running docker or any server with unusual network devices need a change to their .pp file or their networking will get screwed up since facter has no idea which mac address should be used for the real network device. For these cases change: {{{ class { "mayfirst::m_interface": } }}} To: {{{ class { "mayfirst::m_interface": mac => "03:AB:blah blah mac address" } }}} If you want to add additional network devices, you need to make the above change for the eth0 device and then add define statements: {{{ mayfirst::m_interface::name { "03:AB:blah blah mac address": iface_name => "eth1" } }}}