= Mexcla HTML5 client = MF/Pl administers a [wiki:freeswitch-mexcla-html5 html5 client] for our [wiki:freeswitch-mexcla mexcla] simultaneous interpretation conference call system. It's installed on mcchesney.mayfirst.org. It's configured via an Alias directive /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/live.mayfirst.org.ssl, so that the location /mexcla points to /home/webrtc/mexcla-html5/web. Our code, which is [https://git.mayfirst.org/?p=mfpl/mexcla-html5.git;a=summary accessible by git] is checked out in web. It can be updated to the latest version by running: `git pull` from the web directory. It depends on the [https://code.google.com/p/sipml5/ sipml5 library], which is installed via svn in /home/webrtc/mexcla-html5/sipml and can be updated by running: `svn up` in that directory.