[[PageOutline]] = Does May First/People Link have a shared git installation I can use? = == User Explanation == [http://git-scm.com/ git] is a [WikiPedia:Revision_Control_System revision control system]. It is often used as a tool to help developers collaborate on a software or web site project. It helps track changes made to files by multiple people. The git program should be installed on all May First/People Link standard servers. If it's not available, please [/newticket post a ticket] letting us know on which server it should be installed. Since git does not require a central repository, no other setup or installation is required for you to begin using git. On the other hand, if you would like a public git repository or a private one for developers to share, please start by [/newticket opening a ticket]. Include: * your [wiki:public_private_key_generation public ssh key] * The name of the project you would like to setup (please try to make the name specific) * Whether you want to enable public access or not Once we've completed the setup, you can use your repository by taking the following steps: * Create a bare repository on your development machine: {{{ mkdir myproject cd myproject git init }}} * Next, add a file or two {{{ touch README git add README git commit README }}} * Next add the MFPL git repo as a remote: {{{ git remote add mfpl gitosis@git.mayfirst.org:myname/myproject.git }}} * And then the moment of truth: {{{ git push mfpl master }}} * If you don't want to specify mfpl masterr every time you want to push, you can edit your .git/config file and copy the fetch line in the mfpl stanza, replacing fetch with push. For example: {{{ [remote "mfpl"] url = gitosis@git.mayfirst.org:myproject.git fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/mfpl/* push = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/mfpl/* }}} == Admin Setup == Tachanka and MFPL run a shared git server: cyngnus.tachanka.org, which is a vserver hosted on pianeta.mayfirst.org. Please see the [https://tachanka.org/wiki/GitSetup tachanka wiki] for directions to setup a new git repo.