= Admin Training Manual = This page outlines the information needed to adminster May First/People Link servers. 1. Politics and organization 1. Review the [https://mayfirst.org/unity statement of unity], [https://mayfirst.org/membership-agreement member agreement], and [https://mayfirst.org/intentionality intentionality statement] 1. Familiarize with current political campaigns of the organization and brief history of past campaigns (see [http://mag-net.org/ MAGNet] and [http://ussocialforum.net US Social Forum], [http://alliedmedia.org Allied Media project]...). 1. Mexican Coop and Media Jumpstart: legal structures 1. Introduction to [https://mayfirst.org/leadership-committee leadership committee] and [https://support.mayfirst.org/wiki/projects/membership-meeting membership meeting process], as well as commissions, work teams, volunteers and staff 1. The [wiki:support-team support team] 1. Identity: Many aspects of MF/PL system administration require a login which can be re-used in many places. 1. Your [wiki:faq/email/openpgp OpenPGP] key ensures that all members can communicate via private and authenticated email. 1. [https://monkeysphere.info Monkeysphere]: converting your OpenPGP key into an ssh-enabled key allows us to grant you ssh access to servers easily and with a convenient method to revoke access if your key is compromised. 1. May First/People Link accounts via the [https://members.mayfirst.org/cp members control panel] 1. Create a membership: Creating your identity under your own membership allows you to continue with your identity even if you no longer provide system admin support 1. Pick a user account to login to the control panel: this user account can be granted admin access - so you can access all accounts in the control panel. This password is the most sensitive - it should only be used for logging into the control panel. You might pick a username with a -cp suffix to it, like jamie-cp. 1. Pick a user account as your public identity: via OpenID, you can re-use a single user account when logging into support.mayfirst.org or im.mayfirst.org and other services. Be sure to pick a good user account name and don't change it - since it will be public. 1. Communication 1. Once you join, you will be added to our [wiki:civicrm-admin CiviCRM outreach database] automatically 1. Join the [https://lists.mayfirst.org/mailman/listinfo/support-team support-team email list]. 1. Join the [wiki:faq/chat IRC Chat] 1. Install [wiki:mumble mumble] and connect to our mumber server 1. Ensure your browser works with [https://live.mayfirst.org live] and [https://live.mayfirst.org/mexcla/1 mexcla]. 1. [https://support.mayfirst.org Ticket system] 1. Physical layout: where are the servers? Where are the data centers? 1. What's a MOSH? How we organize serivces on servers 1. [wiki:puppet Puppet]: our system for managing servers and services