= Adding a new user/server to the console server = After setting up a new server, you may want to enable serial access to that server via our serial server (`console.mayfirst.org`). Make sure you know what device you've connected to (e.g. `/dev/ttyS27`) and what the name of the new server is. The commands to run are: {{{ adduser --disabled-password --gecos="$SERVERNAME console user,,,' "${SERVERNAME}-console" cereal-admin create "$SERVERNAME" "/dev/$TTYDEVICE" 115200 "${SERVERNAME}-console" "${SERVERNAME}-console" cereal-admin start "$SERVERNAME" }}} If you want MF/PL root staff to have access to the new console, you can just copy ssh authorizations from `root` on the console server: {{{ cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys >> /home/${SERVERNAME}-console/.ssh/authorized_keys" }}} Here's an example run (in the example below `SERVERNAME=zinn`, and `TTYDEVICE=ttyS14`): {{{ 0 sylvia:~# adduser --disabled-password --gecos='zinn console user,,,' zinn-console Adding user `zinn-console' ... Adding new group `zinn-console' (1014) ... Adding new user `zinn-console' (1014) with group `zinn-console' ... Creating home directory `/home/zinn-console' ... Copying files from `/etc/skel' ... 0 sylvia:~# cereal-admin create zinn /dev/ttyS14 115200 zinn-console zinn-console Created session 'zinn': --f zinn /dev/ttyS14 115200 zinn-console zinn-console 0 sylvia:~# cereal-admin start zinn Started session 'zinn'. 0 sylvia:~# cat .ssh/authorized_keys >> ~zinn-console/.ssh/authorized_keys 0 sylvia:~# }}}